Saturday, February 4, 2012

Today's Top Three

Do you want to know one of the best things you can do for your mental health? Let's make it a multiple choice question...

Please pick the best answer (only one). The best and most practical activity to promote one's mental health is________________?
A: Years of Psychoanalysis
B: Completing a Rorschach Evaluation
C: Singing Loud for all to hear
D: Simply Being Thankful

I know you are probably pretty amazed with your intelligence right now, and in my great knowledge base from which this question was constructed. But just in case you are lost, here's your explanation of the answers.
A--Psychoanalysis is extremely expensive and your insurance won't cover it... I definitely recommend shorter term therapy instead
B-Inkblots are fun, but they can't tell you everything...and again, this will be pretty expensive too.
C-Apparently a good way to spread Christmas cheer, and could possibly help or hinder your mental health, depending on the situation I'm sure.
So, the answer is D; Congratulations and you are welcome.

I am hoping to get on here randomly and express some things I am thankful for. I like free therapy. So today I'm listing my top three (by "top"....I mean totally random and in no particular order--today or any other day...because that totally makes since to me)

Today's Three things I am Thankful for...

This Man
He's a wonderful husband. He's been working really hard lately trying to get the old house ready to sell and has been working crazy hours on stressful projects at work, and he continues to have a good attitude at home (mostly, anyway, lol!) He's handsome, Godly, hard working, loving, and pretty great at communicating when it's time to get serious about solving something. Yeah God, He's a good one...Thank You!

This Church

When I came from my tiny small town church in which I grew up, I wasn't sure how I would adjust to being part of a "mega church." But, it's been amazing. The teaching is great, the people are great, and we've found a small group that we meet with regularly that is awesome beyond words (but that is for another day's top three!) I never dreamed I would feel at home in in a church so large...but again, God knows just what he's doing; thanks, God!

And last...and well, least of these three is....

This tub
I must say, I'm writing this while my hair is still wet from this very bath. I love putting on music and relaxing in Bath and Body Works White Citrus bubbles. It's amazing. It's such a relaxing place to gather my thoughts, reflect on my day, and relax after work or exercise. It's a little thing, but I love it! Thanks, God!

So that's my top three for today. Don't forget to think about what you are thankful for, often! It's silly and just mean to not thank God for what he's done for you...big and little things :)

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