Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Bucketlist!

Things I want to do before summer kicks the bucket:

Swimming, multiple times
Floating on our lake with a friend
Holiday World-ing
Drive-In-ing (multiple times--checked this one off for the first time last night with J!!)
Yard Sale-ing (check, again--thanks J!!)
Farmer's Marketing
Volunteering each month
Playing in a hose
Cookout-ing (a lot)
Going to a fair
Newburgh Riverwalking
Evansville Riverwalking
Flying a kite
Re-living first date with Bri
Washing my car at home...being sure to douse myself and all who are near in the process ;)

Also contenders...
White Water Rafting (Stealing from Lora now!!)
Real Mountain biking
Selling our old house!!
Road Triping (likely depends on selling our old house!)
Making ice cream
Horseback Riding
Going skating
Playing Tennis

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

-6 1/2 pounds!

I'm REALLY not good at keeping up with blogging.  But this time, I promise, I'm not avoiding because I'm not being good.  I've been sticking to Weight Watchers and seeing (slow) progress.  I'm exercising regularly and really enjoying it and feeling pretty good about my progress (-6 1/2 lbs and -a few inches here and there).  I've lost weight quickly before and gained it back quickly...maybe this is the way to go.  Some exercise opportunities I'm loving right now...
Walking Bella...she's a great walker...and loves making new friends
Beautiful scenery  for bike rides, walks, and runs

and friends who make it fun to exercise for hours at a time (and are goofy enough to pose for pictures like this when lost on bike rides!)
I'll keep you posted on progress!!