Tuesday, May 15, 2012

-6 1/2 pounds!

I'm REALLY not good at keeping up with blogging.  But this time, I promise, I'm not avoiding because I'm not being good.  I've been sticking to Weight Watchers and seeing (slow) progress.  I'm exercising regularly and really enjoying it and feeling pretty good about my progress (-6 1/2 lbs and -a few inches here and there).  I've lost weight quickly before and gained it back quickly...maybe this is the way to go.  Some exercise opportunities I'm loving right now...
Walking Bella...she's a great walker...and loves making new friends
Beautiful scenery  for bike rides, walks, and runs

and friends who make it fun to exercise for hours at a time (and are goofy enough to pose for pictures like this when lost on bike rides!)
I'll keep you posted on progress!! 


  1. finding fun ways to exercise is SO helpful! Congrats on the pounds lost...I'm not quite as far in the journey as you are, but I'm chugging along.

    Also, I "stole" your bucket list idea for my blog, so if you have some random visitors you'll know why ;-)

    1. I should post about my bucket list too! I keep adding to it..I'm ready for some deliberate visitors...JULY?? Praying for you guys' trip ;)
