Thursday, March 22, 2012


I'm pretty sure I've been avoiding blogging as I had no weight loss progress to report...quite the opposite actually :(  However, three days ago I started Weight Watchers.  I've done it before--a long time ago and so far I really like the changes they've employed.  My Fitness Pal is great, but it seems I need a little something different for now.   So far, so good.  And, I've got these guys out again this week to see some sun:
It feels great!! Move over Jennifer Hudson!?  We'll see.  As for now, I'm feeling a lot less discouraged (again) and already a little healthier.  Hopefully I will now stop avoiding accountabiliy too!


  1. Angie. . do you have a gym membership? I go to Elite Fitness on Kansas Rd. off of Hwy. 57 and there are some awesome work out classes. . I go to lots of them, along with doing normal workouts... Would love to have you as a workout buddy some time.

  2. I have done a lot of Zumba classes before, I'd be okay with getting into that again, especially on the north side :) I'd be open to going to some classes with you...but a membership is probably out of question right now since I just spent money on Weight Watchers. Sounds fun!

  3. You go girl! I've been stuck gaining and losing the same 2 pounds for a couple of months now, but I have a feeling it's due to my penchant for late night snacking more than anything else. Sigh. Perhaps if I were going to bed on time the weight would be coming off too?

    Keep us posted. WW is a GREAT program!
